EG4 Risk is a spin-out company acknowledged by University of Milan-Bicocca, which rests on the technical and scientific skills acquired by the team in the last ten years. The company is composed by a group of University Professors, freelancers and the company CSPFea s.c., whose integration provides added value to products and services, distinguished by a high-quality level derived from:

A deep knowledge of the processes and of the problems dealt deriving from solid experience in research, application and in theoretical and numerical modeling, witnessed by a wide scientific production;

The multidisciplinary approach on the topics of geology, applied geology, geotechnical engineering, geomechanics, hydrogeology, geophysics and on environmental sciences;

A validated experience in software development and marketing.


The mission of EG4 Risk is to create and provide services of high technical and scientific content for the companies, public entities, and the engineering companies. The services consisting of the design and the realization of works in which the use of advanced data collection techniques, analysis and modeling are required. The areas involved can be of:
3D rockfall;
3D geotechnical modeling;
3D hydrogeological modeling;
3D landslides modeling;
Reliefs and monitoring;
Quantitative Risk Analysis. Read More


Full Professor of Applied Geology at the University of Milan Bicocca (DISAT). Chair at the Tongii University Department of Applied Geology (2014-2018). PhD in Applied Geology at the University of Milan.
Expert in the study of slope instability, rock fall, hydrogeology, geothermics and of the risk analysis.

Associate Professor of Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Milan Bicocca (DISAT). PhD in Geotechnical Engineering at the Politecnico Milano, enrolled in the Order of Engineers of the Province of Milan.
The main skills are in 3D modeling and geomechanical characterization of the earth and rocks and of the problems of geotechnical engineering (tunnels and underground cavities).

Member and legal representative of "Protea Ingegneria Associati". Degree in Geological Sciences. Member of the Order of Geologists of Lombardy at n. 1109, has the authorization for the role of the safety coordinator pursuant to the Legislative Decree 81/2008, as well as the authorization to perform work at height with the access and positioning systems using ropes (pursuant to Legislative Decree 81 / 2008 - Annex XXI and D.lgs. 106/2009).
Skills in the planning and works direction in the field of mitigation of hydrogeological risks from the falling rocks over the entire national territory (Lombardia, Toscana, Valle d’Aosta, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Sicilia, Campania, Sardegna, Liguria).

Member of "Protea Ingegneria Associati" . Degree in the Engineering for the Environment and the Territory. Enrolled in the Order of Engineers of the Province of Lecco at no. 656.
Skills in the planning and works direction in the field of mitigation of hydrogeological risks from the falling rocks over the entire national territory (Lombardia, Toscana, Valle d’Aosta, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Sicilia, Campania, Sardegna, Liguria).

Associate Professor of Applied Geology at the University of Milan Bicocca (DISAT). PhD in Applied Geology at the University of Ferrara.
The main expert in the GIS systems, statistical analysis, hydrogeological modeling and in the risk analysis.

Associate Professor of Applied Geology at the University of Milan Bicocca (DISAT). PhD in Earth Sciences at the University of Milan. Member of the Order of Geologists of Lombardy (Special List).
Expert in the characterization of rock masses and in the study and modeling of the rock falls and movement of large slope instability.

Applied Geophysics Technician at the University of Milan Bicocca (DISAT). PhD in Applied Geology at the University of Milan Bicocca.
Expert in the geophysical, photogrammetric and hydrogeological surveys and modeling.

CSPFea s.c.
Company with head office in Este (PD), it was founded in November 2005, for over 10 years deals with marketing software for the AEC sector (http://www.cspfea.net). The aim of CSPFea is to assist engineering companies, professionals and companies engaged in the vast field of civil engineering, architecture and of the construction (AEC), helping them through numerical simulation to improve the processes, methods, and the analysis and design skills. For over 5 years the company CSPFea collaborates with the DISAT of UNIMIB for the validation and the application to complex problems of applied geology of the commercial software GTS NX for the 3D modeling of geotechnical engineering problems.
Professionalism and experience in software development and marketing.

Our customers

Companies, Engineering Companies, Freelancers, Public Bodies


We would be pleased to evaluate with you the best service that suits your needs

Operating Office

Piazza della Scienza 4,
20126 Milan

Write to [email protected] or fill out the contact form.

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