Thanks to many years of experience gained in the academic field, today it is possible to use the avant-garde in in 3D modeling to improve all your design and prevention phases, up to the quantitative risk analysis (QRA) of civil works, infrastructures and territorial areas of different scales.


3D Rockfall

Hy-STONE: an advanced tool to understand the phenomenon and protect the territory


The Hy-STONE Software used for rockfall analysis allows the execution of "physically based" 3D models with the following characteristics: Read More

3D modeling with Hy-STONE

The Spin-off team has carried out through the University a wide range of rockfall analysis projects, with different bodies and on various scales. This has allowed us to get to deeply know this sector, focusing on the most significant issues and needs.

3D Geotechnical Modeling

We bring the geotechnical calculation to a more advanced level

Static and dynamic analysis

The analysis of the construction phases. Reproducing the interaction of lands and three-dimensional structures, the models that we implement allow us to represent and analyze in a faithful way the gradual construction of the works, the realization of the excavations and surveys, the installation / removal of temporary works up to the completion of the final works. Read More

3D Hydrogeological modeling

Advanced 3D modeling for the management of present and future water resources

Models of hydrogeology, thermal potential and heat transport

The management of groundwater resources requires the study of the chemical and physical characteristics of the aquifers, their balance and the existing interactions with the surface waters and the human activities. Read More

3D landslides modeling

Ten years experience in the characterization and modeling of the slope instabilities

Dependence on the geomorphology, geology and atmospheric agents

Several instability phenomena can be characterized by a high mobility, both for the presence of a high water content, and for high energy or to the action of mechanisms that favor a decrease in the resistance of the materials involved. Read More

Reliefs and Monitoring

Direct and remote acquisition of topographic, hydrological, hydrogeological, geophysical and geotechnical data

Implement the dataset to support analysis, modeling and forecasting

The prediction of slope instability events implies the need to identify:
the triggering agent;
the relationship between type of phenomenon, type of agent and the intensity of the same;
the mode of evolution of the phenomenon;
the transition between different evolutionary phases (slow, rapid displacement and global collapse). Read More

Quantitative Risk Analysis

Evaluation of the hazard and vulnerability for spatial planning at strategic points and inhabited centers

Executive steps QRA

The method foresees the evaluation of the hazard of collapse in three basic steps: Read More

Hydrological and hydraulic study

Planning and identification of critical issues and definition of solution hypotheses

Hydrological and hydraulic  for the defense and mitigation of  risk, for the purpose of territorial plannidng and identification of critical issues and definition of solution hypotheses. Read More


Probabilistic study of seismic hazard

Estimation of the expected shaking in a given area over a given period of time

The probabilistic study of seismicity is carried out according to a Cornell approach (Cornell, 1968):

- Phase 1: Identification and description of the seismic sources, represented and defined through seismogenic zones.

- Phase 2: Definition of the magnitude recurrence patterns for each source through magnitude-frequency relationships (Gutenberg-Richter)

-Phase 3: Estimation of the probability to exceed a certain ground shaking, through Ground Motion Prediction Equation

-Phase 4: Calculation of the hazard curve and response spectrum derived from logic tree analysis

- Phase 5: Introduction of the recurrence component, considering different return times


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